About Company
“Alreschaa Life Sciences bring to you the latest advancements in preventative healthcare and modern medicine – ALIV. An integrated alternative & holistic wellness center with IV Therapies, fat loss enhancing therapies, vitamin & nutrient pushes, oxygen therapy and rejuvenation therapies for lung health, anti aging, diabetes, arthritis, neurological disorders and a lot more all under one roof; for the first time in India. ALIV is a new age modern center focused on therapies for longevity and graceful aging.
IV therapy, Cellular Rejuvenation Therapy, Anti Aging, Nutritional Therapy, Supportive Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy, Bio Hacking, Epigenetics, Longevity, Fat Loss Support, Lung Regeneration, Diabetes Support, Arthritis Support, Neuro Degenerative Disease Support, Parkinson’s Support, Liver Disease Support, and Regenerative Wellness